A cup of Tea

Photo by Olga Mironova on Pexels.com

Winter mornings are beautiful and so are the evenings. And when you pair it with a cup of tea or coffee, it just adds to the beauty of it. You sip one sip after another and then realize that life is a blessing. A blessing to be alive. A blessing to grow older. Sometimes being in the moment is what matters. And being able to have someone to share your thoughts while you have this life elixir is like icing on the cake. Aren’t slow moments the most beautiful ones?

But to people who have no one to share such moments and I think today this number is just huge. Because there are connections today. But what is lacking is the art of authentic conversations! Where a human interacts with another for the sake of exchanging ideas, thoughts, emotions … that is what we humans are capable of right? And that is what differentiates us from animals? And sometimes when we do not find such moments, the best is to read books or indulge in an activity of passion be it any hobby like painting or gardening or following the path of spiritual awakening. The slow yet consistent progress is what truly matters. So this year I plan to take up courses that I have wanted to do, do a lot of reading , write to my hearts desire without caring if it is being liked by anyone or not , and paint when I feel overwhelmed. And yes, ofcourse sip a cup of tea when I will miss conversations.



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