Firefly O’ Firefly!

I have been nominated by the poetess Ellora Mohanty to participate in the poetic marathon #PeetMeNotLeave. For eight consecutive days, I will be publishing one of my poems along with a photo.

I have been quite late in participating in this contest but nonetheless, I wanted to give it a try for the sheer joy of being able to create some poetic landscapes. I hope you like my attempt and in some way, enjoy the journey. I welcome you all on this fun ride!!

I have chosen Fire/light as my inspiration and I hope I do justice to the theme through my poems.

The fifth poem is captioned as Firefly O’ Firefly!

Firefly O’ firefly

Why are you always so shy

Glowing in the dark night sky

Flapping those wings that are so tiny

Resembling little bubbles that are shiny

Is it some magic wand that you carry

Or is it a little lantern that you transport in a hurry?

Firefly O’ Firefly,

A unique blend of mystery that you are

Do you hold keys to a Pandora’s box that is rare

What is that you search for constantly

Making circles in the inky space vigorously

What is the secret that lights up your path

You successfully seem to dismiss the darkness’s wrath!

Firefly O ‘ Firefly,

Come near me and lets play a game ,

I tell you my mine and you tell me your name,

Every time I get bewitched by your unique beauty

Admiring your existence that is so very pretty

Fear engulfs some, while some get envious

But then only a narrow prejudiced mind makes all the bias!



10 Comments Add yours

  1. Simon says:

    So beautiful 😍I miss these little Firefly in this busy City Life 🙄.. Lovely poem 🤗🤗


    1. Thanks for taking the time to read Simon:-) I know as a child I used to love watching them… but with time and the pollution level and urbanization everything has significantly reduced their population and it is so sad.


      1. Simon says:

        Yes, urbanization is pain. Losing nature towards extinction of our own species . Thank you 😊👍

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Swati Khatri says:

    Beautiful concept
    Beautifully captured

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am humbled by your words of appreciation! Thanks a lot .

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pr@Gun says:

    Lovely poem, I’m sure little fireflies felt blessed today when they were so beautiful expressed in your poem.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww… Pragun ! Thanks so much for your words , for they have beautifully melted my heart!!


  4. Ruchi says:

    Used to see them in childhood…hardly see them now ..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ruchi Thanks a lot for stopping by. Yes absolutely, with urbanization and deforestation everything is vanishing


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